Saturday, June 4, 2011

The vow of silence

I did rather want to blog yesterday, but the blog was fundamentally about an amazingly socially retarded individual in my book club, and so it was less of a post and more of a rant and I didn't want to be negative, and I think it's negative when you see an individual and think "I don't hate many people, but I thoroughly loathe your existence".
On a positive note, I did have an amazing moment of connection with another individual today at work. I do live for those moments.
They've been (through every fault of my own) relatively few and far between as of late, and I am trying to be more open to them.

1 comment:

judith said...

"Well... if you don't have something nice to say, then come sit by me!"

I feel the same as you, I get along well with about 90% of the people I meet or know. 9% I tolerate, they would not be invited to drink beer on the deck with me and I'd probably tell them I need to go to the bathroom (and it would take awhile) if they just showed up at my house. There is that 1% out there that I have the overwhelming urge to slap the shit out of every time I see her. Thank you Bejezuz that she will not be at my school next year. If she were to show up at my house I'd have to tell her to get the fuck off my lawn.