Tuesday, June 28, 2011


My "little" (like, six foot) brother turned 30 today. Happy birthday, Bro!
Seems like just yesterday I was kicking over the Matchbox cars in the parades that he would make through our living room or playroom. I was such a mean sister.
And then, when I struck out on my own and failed and returned home, he and I went out a few times. We went to a movie once. Another time we went to the races in Port Kells and had to book it when the cops came to shut it down. Once we drove up to Lasqueti together to go visit my dad. We were in his El Camino which had some kind of suspension issues and every time we turned a corner he would mutter "bind, bind, bind". It was funny.
I admire my brother. He was never really a shit heel, growing up. Always very even-keeled. Very level minded and calm. I was none of those things. He's rational and thoughtful and his priorities are adeptly ranked.
Welcome to your thirties, Jason.
Oh hey: remember the time you pushed me into the (unheated) pool in October when I was fully clothed?
Watch out.

1 comment:

judith said...

Sweet post. My dad had an El Camino too! It was the first car/truckster I was allowed to drive to school.