Sunday, June 5, 2011

Happy Birthday, Po.

Today was awesome. I cannot lie. Today was actually as close to perfection as it gets, really.
Waking up with Michael.
A four mile run becoming a 6.5 mile run because I just didn't want to stop and the flowers were in bloom and I saw an osprey and the Lions were magnificent and the sun was so warm and wonderful.
Going to Po's for her birthday with the food and wine and guitar and conversation.
Me: "So, um, has anyone read "The Elegance of the Hedgehog"?"
Everyone: general, excited clamour.
The only downside is that I feel that I love and am surrounded by all these amazing and accomplished people and I feel I have very little to offer.
Here's a funny story. I was so happy this afternoon. I mean, really, really happy and content. I mean, why run an extra mile and a half when you don't have to? And I was loving the flowers and the smells and the people and the sights and life in general and I thought "I'm too happy, this is just too much. God is going to strike me down right now" and I thought of how happy and expectant Renee had been in the "Elegance of the Hedgehog" and then I thought that surely I would be hit by a dry cleaning van and within seconds of me thinking that I was almost run over by a distracted Honda driver.
But I wasn't run over. That made the day even better.