Thursday, May 26, 2011


I'm going to take a break from this for a while.

I think my energy can be focused more positively elsewhere.

It's rather pedestrian, this blog, and also shallow. I do so grow weary of the pedestrian and the shallow.


Rory Grant said...

I'll be sad to find silence here - I thought there was no one on this planet other than me who disliked cheap doors with such intensity.

Haste ye back.

Duder said...

Thanks Rory. Maybe with my extra free time I can find something made of solid oak...

judith said...

Keep in touch. I get bored with it too and it doesn't help when the hubby says things like "no one's life it THAT interesting." Damn his reality and sensibility.

Duder said...

Yeah, I think your hubby and I would get along. :)

I'm sure I'll be back with some sort of exciting news at some point (depending on what your definition of "exciting" is).

Take care!

judith said...

You are so much like him it's scary.