Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Lettuce, turnip and pea

Happy birthday, Dad.
Remember the time my bank account was frozen and I couldn't get any cash and I walked over to your place and I was all upset at 19 years old and you went up to your bedroom and came back down with about $1,000 without asking any questions?
One time I stole a bunch of change from your night table but then I returned it all in short order because I was wracked with guilt.
How about the time we went for that kayak ride when the phosphorous was heavy in the ocean so that each dip of the paddle lit up the water and our footprints were illuminated when we walked up the beach.
We all miss you.
Your house on McNicholl street is up for sale.
Remember our real estate conversations? Making the numbers work?
They don't work right now.


judith said...


Dying Diety said...

As a father, I can see that you are a good daughter.

Please talk to my children and make them more like you. I fear that, after all I have attempted to do in this life, I am invisible.