Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ratcheting it up

So everyone that I run with has started to taper for the May 2nd marathon. This is occurring just as my mileage is starting to ratchet up rather exponentially, and is going to result in one 19 miler and three 20 milers solo. I have never had to run that far, that often, solo. I'm good for 14 miles, but above and beyond that I need help. I need mental stimulation and encouragement.
I begged and cajoled C and he said he would probably help me out for a segment of one of them. And Michael said he would come out on his bike to help me out, but I need more.
And so I put an ad on CL. It was platonic. I laid out the pace and distance that I was looking for. I didn't care if a man or woman answered it: I just need help getting through it. Like the time I tried to run to West Van and back and totally bonked on Welch and some random guy ran by, saw what was going on and got me moving again until I was about a mile from home (god bless you, random guy).
Anyways. I had one response to my ad. A guy that sent a shirtless pic espousing his back muscles, saying he wants to "slim down for Cancun".
Ahhh, Craigslist. You're breaking my heart...


judith said...

Awwww, if I was there I'd get on my bike and ride along beside you, then when I got tired I'd have my car parked in just the right spot to get in it and ride along and keep you going to the end. Sorry, I can't do any better than that, it's been a really lazy winter and I'm really out of shape. It's good that you don't need me... you're good, you can do it!

Duder said...

Thanks, jomamma! Whatever doesn't kill you will only just hurt a lot and be really trying. :P

judith said...

or give you a rash...