Monday, April 11, 2011


Rolled out of Michael's place before ten today. Showered. Wanted to have a cup of the coffee I made but there was no time so I put it in this glass container that is really supposed to be like a single serve loose tea deal, and so the opening is really big, and so I arrived at my therapist's with dried coffee dots on my forehead and nose from where it splashed up on me during the drive over. Naturally I didn't discover this until after our session. Yeah. I'm going to be there for years. Okay not really. My extended health care only covers $500 a year for mental health (but $1,500 a year for massage therapy: go figure) and at $3 a minute I really hope we get all my issues sorted out next week cause I can't afford to continue on much longer.
Gorgeous day. Shopped. Cleaned up. Had my tires swapped and met Michael for coffee at the Quay. So cool that he could break away from work for fifteen minutes to come and see me. He walked slowly up the stairs back to his office since he ran close to 22 miles yesterday. Afterwards I sat on a bench in the glorious sun and finished reading the Vanity Fair article on Julian Assange. Life is rough. Did a bunch of other stuff and then watched "Stripes" with Bill Murray. Fucking love Bill Murray. I was in love with him when he was in "Ghostbusters" and then I fell in love with him again for "Lost in Translation". The movie, though. Yeah. Reminded me of me. A lazy, self-indulgent smart ass with a superiority complex, delusions of grandeur and a problem with authority. Breakthrough! What am I paying $150 every Monday for??


Pseudonym said...

I don't think $500/year is going to fix you.

Duder said...

$500 a year isn't going to make a dent.

judith said...

Why don't you have your therapist start rubbing your back or feet. It's a 2fer. (every time I type that word it reminds me of Saturday Night Live... Jeopardy - Sean Connery says "Alex.... I'll take The Rapist for $500."

judith said...

) sorry, I forgot that.

Duder said...

Hmmm... I don't know that SNL skit. But I do like a good foot rub.
Or maybe when I go to my massage therapist I will just unload all my mental anguish on her and get my proverbial 2fer that way. ;)

Pseudonym said...

Kidnap the therapist, then you can make them work for free.

Duder said...

Maybe I'll kidnap her, tie her to a bed, and smash her feet with an axe so she can't leave me.
Hmm... something tells me this is not a positive thought process...