Saturday, April 2, 2011

Hello vast, vacuous space which is my blog

This morning someone texted me a couple of times at 4am and I was a bit surprised, but I had been expecting it. Or, this morning at 4am someone was drunk and lonely and thought of me.
Today we ran a very hilly 8 mile course with an average 8:34 minute per mile pace. Or, today I pointed out the white and pink cherry blossoms as we ran down Highland in the sun.
This afternoon my mom and I drove out to see my brother and A and to pick up my new rims. Or, this afternoon we visited a couple of farmer's markets and we went to a petting zoo resplendent with goats, ugly turkeys, a scary llama, a donkey, pigs, a pony and some little cows with long eyelashes, and the sky was brilliant on our drive home.
Tonight. Tonight. I'm unapologetic, or I'm hopeful. I'm tired, but I'm expectant. Desirous, but resigned.
Tomorrow I have many miles to run.

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