Friday, March 25, 2011


So earlier in the week I emailed my brother because he said that he would pick up some spare rims for me for Christmas to mount my snow tires on. Every time I switch my tires it costs me $100, plus the pain and aggro of trying to get my car into a shop somewhere with every other mad bastard in the city.
He replied that he would source some out. He just called and picked up a set for $20 (had to drive from Abbotsford to Maple Ridge to get them) and that unfortunately they still had the tires on them, but he will try and get the tires off by the time I pick them up.
Best. Christmas gift. Ever. He will now be saving me $200 a year in perpetuity. How awesome is that?
Yeah. It's pretty goddamn awesome. I have the best little six foot tall brother ever.

1 comment:

judith said...

I hadn't heard or seen that one. The play something different on the radio here. Could be something the radio station has come up with. I can't imagine what his 'world tour' is about, he sits on stage smoking and drinking and talking about himself? I think I'll start selling horse apples in a bucket on the corner because people will pay for some stupid shit.

Congratulation on the tire/wheel situation. That cat in the picture has a little Birman in it.