Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Marisa Tomei

You know how it sometimes happens that you watch a series of movies that accidentally star the same person? Such is my movie viewing experience of late. With Marisa Tomei, no less. Didn't really know much of her work: I remembered her from "My Cousin Vinny". That was about it.
Then I watched "Happy Accidents" which was comme ci comme ca. I do also like Vincent D'Onofrio, but this movie was meh.
"The Wrestler" was next. I must say I had a new found respect for Mickey Rourke after watching "Barfly". He was absolutely stellar in that movie, and I recommend the movie itself. What the fuck he has done to his face in the interim is beyond me. He was perfect in "The Wrestler". Life imitating art? Whatever. Brilliant movie, moving performance. And Tomei as the aging stripper. Mmmmm.... I dunno. Her body at 44 or 45 is on par with any stripper that I've ever seen that was fifteen years her junior.
Finally: "Before the Devil Knows You're Dead" is, so far, excellent. Again with the delayed gratification. I want to savour it. Sidney Lumet ("Network" and, unbelievably, "12 Angry Men": two absolutely amazing movies). Excellent.
And so concludes my randomly intertwined movie synopsis featuring - mostly - Marisa Tomei.
She can act. And has an amazing body.


Pseudonym said...

I love it when your closet gay side sneaks through.. ;)

Duder said...

I am man enough to appreciate a beautiful woman.

judith said...

I second that... is that how you spell that? I thought it was cum si cum sa. My mother was Canadian French (Arcadian) via Louisiana you know, she'd say that all the time.

Duder said...

Whoops. It's actually comme ci comme ca. I forgot the second "m".
Merde. Did she say that a lot too?

judith said...

Yeah, and something that sounded like 'mosh kon e pah' and 'sac a papeah' and 'der de chu.' So would that be "I don't know", "paper sack" and "kiss my ass."

judith said...

And that's not Arcadian... it's Acadian.

judith said...

She would roll over in her grave if people thought she was from Arkansas.

Duder said...

Mon Dieu! So would I! ;)

judith said...

Was I correct on my translations?

Duder said...

Uhhh... I have rudimentary French, but, for example, "I don't know" is "je n'est ce pas". I don't know how to say paper sack or kick my ass, but I can mime the latter quite well.

Anonymous said...

We should live and learn, but by the time we've learned, it's too late to live.