Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Tomorrow I have to go in to work and ask for the next two days off with no notice, during an audit, so that I can go to Lasqueti one last time with my family.
I'm sure that will fly.
This is stressful. Everyone is stressed. Jay managed to get Thursday and Friday off and now I have to do the soft shoe shuffle and convince them that it's imperative that I go. And it is. I want to sleep in my room again. My dad and I drywalled and painted and carpeted and hung curtains in that room. It's the nicest bedroom in the house.
I want to wake up in the morning and look out of the warped, 100 year old windows at the bay, at the arbutus tree, hear the waves lapping against the shore, the raucous crows and shrieking seagulls. More likely the sound of the rain as it hits the plasticky leaves of the arbutus trees scattered, slippery, on the ground. Feel the haze of fog and rain and salt water. Dew soaked pantlegs and sand covered feet.


judith said...

Well if they don't let you off just call in sick... that's what they do where I work.

Big D said...

I believe you made it up. Yay> I'm glad. Hope you are enjoying it and the time with your family. : )