Saturday, March 5, 2011


When we lived in South Surrey we went to Cosmos on Marine Drive for dinner a lot. The food is great and it's on the beach and we, as a family, always had a great time. After my parents sold the house in South Surrey we went to Cosmos for dinner to celebrate.
It's A's birthday tomorrow, and for her 30th she wanted to have a family dinner and, incidentally, she chose to have it at Cosmos.
I hadn't been there in years and it was a nice time and it's always good to make new memories (not the least of which was A's 2 1/2 year old niece beelining to me to give me a hug... I still think she had mistook me for someone else: Barney, maybe). Always nice to see A's family, and Greg showed up as well, which always makes for a good time.
The odd bit was that just before we left Kits to head into White Rock we received a call from the caretaker of our property at Lasqueti. It seems that the potential buyer viewed it today and was really impressed. The subjects need to be removed in the next three days.
Good news? Bad news?
It hasn't happened yet. I know we need to move forward, but it's hard to when it's been such an integral part of all of our lives. Lasqueti was there before I even arrived on the scene. It's where I learned to drive a car, shoot a .22, bait a hook, kayak, conserve energy, save water and to stop eating crabs.
Yeah. After setting out a crab trap one day my dad and I pulled it up and we had a few crabs in there and I was all happy at 12 or 14 years old and my dad said "You know how you cook these, right?" and I confessed that I did. So he pulled them all out and dropped them back into the ocean.
It was my father's sanctuary. My mom didn't like it. I loved it but wasn't smart enough to live there. Jay quit his job of 10 years to work on the place, teaching himself as he went, before we put it on the market.
I dunno, man.
I guess we'll see what happens in the next couple of days.

1 comment:

judith said...

Like I told my little sister when we had to sell the house we grew up in after our parents had passed, it's too bad we can't keep ALL the things that create memories for us, we just have to be happy we were able to make those memories. Take lots of pictures...