Monday, March 14, 2011

Another perspective

This is what my brother sent to my mom and I today (the pic is mine).

The Lasqueti Chapter
A life has many chapters. Some are good, some are bad, some last forever, some are very short.
Sometimes a bad chapter, can be the cause of a good chapter. Sometimes a good chapter can lead into a bad chapter.
Sometimes you can hold onto a chapter too long, instead of letting it end in it's prime.
Sometimes people move on with you from chapter, to chapter, other times, they are left behind. When a chapter is done, you can't add to it, you can't change it, all you can do is look back on it.
A chapter can be an event, a time frame, an object, a person, or even a place.
For me, the Lasqueti island chapter has been an ongoing chapter since I can remember. Some of my earliest memories are from Lasqueti.
It seems like when a chapter is great, we want to keep it going forever. We want to hold on because we want to relive the moments that made it great.
But no matter how hard you try. No matter how much you try to make it the same, it never will be.
I've tried to reenact some of the best days of my life.
I always have high hopes that I'll make a day even more memorable than the original, but it always comes up short.
The people change, the event changes, the location changes. Something always makes it a bit different, and it's never quite as good.
All I can do is hope that I have more epic days. Days that might involve different people, places, or events, but are great in their own way.
It seems like those days always do come around.
Sometimes I don't even realize I'm living one of those days until I look back on it, and realize it will forever be in my memory as a day to look back on, and smile.
The Lasqueti chapter is done for me. It ended sooner than I thought it would, but sometimes chapters do that. It can't be stretched out or added to.
There wont be any more kayaking along the water line, or trips to the Finnerties. They wont be anymore cliff jumping, or fort building. They wont be anymore tennis on a private, waterfront tennis court, or fishing from Stan's dock.
There wont be anymore sitting on the front deck, on a warm summer night, watching the sun slowly drop behind the tree line, with its final glow glistening off the water.
My last trip to the island won't have any great memories. I guess I didn't expect it to. The great parts of the chapter have already been written.
The elements needed to write another great part, wont come around again. The chapter needs to end.
So many great chapters have ended in my life. They all end for different reasons. Why is it so hard to say goodbye? Surely I know that all the chapters will end.
It's naive to think I can stretch them out. I guess it's just the thought that no chapter will ever be the same. The things I experienced, will never be experienced again.
Maybe there is a fear, that nothing I will experience in the future will ever be as good.
It feels so strange to leave such a remote island, where things like power and heat aren't just taken for granted, and return back to the city, and the 9-5 job.
Lasqueti seems like it's a world away. Different people, different scenery and a different life style. The people are different and the day of the week doesn't matter.
Getting out of bed at the crack of dawn, to get in a vehicle, and drive to a job, seems like a lifetime ago, but it was only 3 days, and now, it's time to return to it, and return to writing the other chapters.

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