Saturday, January 15, 2011


As I sit here trying to find faults with my essentially blessed existence, I would like to give a huge shout out to my Brit friend J who is currently 40 miles into the Hurt 100 miler in Hawaii. She has been on the course for over 12 hours now and I will be going to bed shortly (to run 8 miles in the morning) and she is currently running through the wet, muddy trails of Hawaii (where people have actually been charged at by wild boars - I'm not kidding) with her headlamp on.
She is doing this in order to qualify for Badwater, a race so extreme that I can't even crew for her without meeting certain qualifications.


judith said...

I admire you and your friends for being dedicated runners, but I'm still thinking this is nuts. At least carry a gun to shot the wild animals.

Duder said...

It IS nuts. Marathoning is a bit much, actually, but that is only one quarter of the distance she was supposed to do.
Unfortunately she "only" made it to the 100k mark (roughly 60 miles) and had to drop out because of the terrific amount of blistering she encountered. NUTS. I resolve to never attempt to run a 100 miler!!

Big D said...

I'll stick to my 12k tomorrow for now thanks.