Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Don't spoil it

I like delayed gratification. It's one of my things.
So, when watching "Timer" which Big D recommended the other day I had to stop it with about twenty minutes left because I want to ruminate on the ideas that the movie presents: guaranteed love; a timeline; surety; a preordained path; no deviation; a plotted out life. The premise of the movie is that a "timer" can be implanted into people which tells them (as long as your soul mate also has a timer) when they will meet the one.
But, as the unbelievably skinny and beautiful main character laments: maybe we have more than one true love. We often reminisce about our "first" true love. We went on and found others. Maybe there were great gaps in between. Maybe you were sitting on a beach in Cancun about a dozen years ago with your partner and it was slowly dawning on you that you couldn't stand his family and that he didn't understand you and that though he said he loved you, he didn't really know who you were and so when you slammed the door of that white Grand Am or whatever it was, you walked away more quickly than what would have been considered normal, and you didn't look back.
If you love someone right now, is it utterly inconceivable that you will never love another? Sounds doubtful. I don't remember who my best friend was in Grade 4, but I'm sure she's not my best friend now.
I shall watch the rest of the movie tomorrow night.


judith said...

Being in love with someone and committed to that person is a lot different than being best friends in the 4th grade. I know sometimes people fall out of love with each other. To keep this from happening a couple should remind themselves why or what caused them to fall in love with their partner in the first place. Surely it was more than just drugs, sex and alcohol.

Duder said...

While that's true, the comparison I was drawing between one's BFF in Grade 4 and falling out love is that people change over time, and that they might not change in the same direction at the same time, hence we have different best friends throughout our lives and to me it stands to reason that we might have different loves.
I gotta get me a Timer. ;)

judith said...

tee hee, I know Sweetie, believe me I know. I swear if I didn't know better, I'd say you were my husband. Ya'll are so much alike and have the same opinions about things. Except movies... he'd never watch the movies you do, unless the girl that walked away from the car too fast turned around with an Uzi and blasted the shit outta that guy.