Saturday, January 1, 2011

Best day ever?

Today we barely made it out of bed before noon. Michael had to leave to do some month/year end stuff and so I messed around on iTunes and bought a "Mumford and Sons" and "Black Keys" album and downloaded them to my beleaguered and overwhelmed Shuffle.
It was such a stellar day: sun beaming down; snow on the mountains; crisp, clear air, that I knew I wouldn't be out for a paltry 10k.
I ran for close to an hour and a half, enjoying the dogs in the park, the people out for a walk, the scenery. Man, the scenery. And holy shit if the "Black Keys" aren't fucking phenomenal. It's like this throw back to great 60s and 70s rock with some soul and a tight sound and some great lyrics ground into it. I recommend checking out their album "Brothers". Rolling Stone gave it 4/5 stars.
Then we went to J and G's place for dinner. Five hours later? Oh my god. The food, the company, the fact that we won at Cranium. Sly grin. I had to sculpt "dollar store". Yeah, no. Oh, and J. Lohr's Seven Oaks Cabernet Sauvignon is absolutely delectable.
Ultimately an auspicious start to the new year.
I couldn't conceive a more perfect night than this one.

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