Thursday, December 2, 2010

Some Riot

Home again from another Kits stint during which I realized I was short a day's worth of clothing so, dressed in antiquated track pants and a tank top (sans bra) and wearing my mother's Privos which were a size too big for me, I went to Oakridge to get something to wear to work today. I was covered in cat hair. It was fantastic.
Before I left for Kits Michael was over and he noticed after we had had dinner that I had left the burner on. I never leave the burner on. Ever. And yeah, sometimes when I pack I forget my toothbrush or my pajamas because they're always the last the to make it into my bag, but to be short a day's clothing?
Aside from a 10k cross country run on Saturday that C cajoled me into, I am laying low this weekend. I recently downloaded Elbow's "The Seldom Seen Kid" and Cowboy Junkies' "Trinity Revisited" and I haven't been home enough to enjoy it. So far so good. I think the Elbow album is the one you listen to with the last stray friend that has stayed on after all the revellers have gone home and you polish off the dregs of the wine and smoke a joint and ponder the world and sort of realize that you're at a pretty stable, mellow point in your life and as much as you want to get upset about the trumped up rape charges against the Wikileaks founder you're too fat and content and satisfied to have that argument and so you just listen to the music quietly for a long while.
We had our Christmas book club meeting today. The book exchange saw me end up with "Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters". Seriously. This was one of the only books that I couldn't struggle through at my last book club. It was utterly terrible. My contribution was "The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle" which I haven't read, but promises to upset me. I didn't feel too bad though, because the girl next to me ended up with "Eat, Pray, Love". She whispered conspiratorially to me that she had no desire to read the book, and that she had spent some time in India and she dislikes books that romanticize it. I suggested that it might be fun to see India from the perspective of an elitist, egotistical, whining American woman whose trip is being paid for by her publisher.


A Cuban In London said...

"I think the Elbow album is the one you listen to with the last stray friend that has stayed on after all the revellers have gone home and you polish off the dregs of the wine and smoke a joint and ponder the world and sort of realize that you're at a pretty stable, mellow point in your life and as much as you want to get upset about the trumped up rape charges against the Wikileaks founder you're too fat and content and satisfied to have that argument and so you just listen to the music quietly for a long while."

If I was the fat geezer from Elbow, I would be offering you a temporary contract to write my album reviews. As for Cowboys..., just enjoyed them once again on Radio Paradise a while ago.

Keep rocking! :-)

Greetings from London.

Duder said...

I shall do, Cuban.

judith said...

tee hee, I'm thinking no one approached you for a hand out dressed like that. The cat hair is just a nice accessory. People were whispering to each other "It's that girl from Brothers and Sisters, she's trying not to be noticed."

Hey Cuban, I come here for her reviews....