Thursday, December 16, 2010


Update: today also sucked.
Forecast: tomorrow is slated to utterly Hoover.
This is funny, though:


judith said...

That just made my day! *I get up at four thirty in the morning, I am not mentally retarded, because I do not go for a bike ride or drink a protein drink at that time. I drink coffee, lots of coffee.* She sounds like the lady on our School Messenger system. I like the way she shifts her hips as she listens to him, like she's having her time and energy wasted.

Duder said...

You get up at 4.30 in the morning?? What is happening at 4.30 in the morning?? Sometimes I wake UP at 4.30 in the morning, look at the clock and go "thank god: 2.5 more hours of sleep".

judith said...

It's a bad habit that I've been doing for a very long time. My clock is set and can only adjust it (on the weekend) by a couple of hours. I have my coffee, read a few emails and FB, see the hubby off to work, do some yoga, crunches, lunges, push-ups, etc.(sometimes nothing) and then I get ready for work. I'm usually at work by 6:45. And I go hard and fast until about 9 PM. Then I crash.

Looking at a clock is like the kiss of death for me. If I look at the clock I may as well get up.