Saturday, December 4, 2010

And then?

I forgot to mention that C phoned me after the race, concerned that I had left in a huff because I hadn't enjoyed myself. But I had, and I thanked him for the invite and the opportunity. It's good to take people up on their offers from time to time because, for the second time in as many weeks (the photography session with Typewriter), I went out of my comfort zone and enjoyed myself.
And I forgot to mention that I had to turf today's shoes and I made such a goddamn mess in the hallway outside my mom's apartment that she had to pull out the vacuum and hoover up after me because I was raining dried mud everywhere.
Additionally, I made a much, much overdue trip to see my Nana and Ed. And though it was coffee and cake like any other get together I know these visits aren't going to exist for me forever. So I want to remember how nice my Nana looked today in her pink blouse with her dangling blue earrings, and how she forced (forced!) two pieces of banana bread with coconut topping on me and how she makes the coffee quite strong (which I like) and how she was rather vociferous in her dislike of Sarah Palin, and she talked about all the intricate and time consuming desserts she used to make, and how we looked out at the sun as it hit the windows in North and West Van, glinting and shimmering with the snow encrusted mountains in the background as the sun set with pink hues and the lights at Cypress shone, as Ed pointed out, like a necklace.

1 comment:

judith said...

I love when you write like that.