Thursday, December 30, 2010


I took a giant step backwards this year.
I was aware that I was driving full speed in reverse but I was kind of intrigued to see where I would end up.
As always, I ended up okay, but I think I'm tempting fate at this point.
I need to try harder to get my shit together. I need to drink less and cut out carbs and basically stop being an asshole and live in the now instead of in my head.
This is not a New Year's resolution, but rather a mere observation so if you see me driving backwards past you at 120 kilometres an hour give me a wave, would you?


judith said...

I think it's great that you know you are driving backwards, so many people have no clue where they are going. I'm ready for this year to be over, it's been a crap year for me... down right shitty.

Duder said...

I hear you. Here's to a wonderfully brilliant and happy 2011! :)
Happy New Year, Jomamma.