Saturday, November 27, 2010


Ironman 2 was not great. I was actually kind of surprised when, at the indie movie rental place, Michael selected that one. "People said it was good" he pleaded afterwards. What people? Republicans? People that eat at Boston Pizza a lot?
Picked up some Christmas gifts today. That made me feel a little better. Hopefully I won't temporarily lose my mind like I did last year. That was scary for everyone.
Then, because I'm stupid, I ran a sub 50 minute 6 miler at 6pm knowing full well that I should run between 10 and 12 miles tomorrow morning. I hate when I do that.
Lastly, Toronto's mayor Rob Ford is such a fat bastard. This obese son of a bitch has spoken out against cyclists, streetcars and recently sided with the public that were up in arms over the traffic problems caused by the Toronto marathon. Now he is going to be repealing a vehicle purchase tax. I am so pissed off I can hardly stand it.
First of all, the marathon has been going for 34 years: get used to it.
Secondly: it's one goddamn day out of the year and it's on a Sunday and it's the same Sunday every year so it's not like it's a sodding surprise or anything. Plan around it.
Thirdly: don't be a hater. Dave lent Michael this running book from the 70s or 80s and one of the safety guidelines said to be aware of vehicles, because you never know how the sight of a fit runner out for a Sunday morning run might make some chubby jerk in an over sized Chevy angry. Seriously. I almost fell off my chair laughing.
You know one of the reasons I run? Besides the cardiovascular benefits, being able to eat what I want, having the body of a 24 year old, the stress release and the feeling of accomplishment? I like to run because every few months it all comes together at a race somewhere - Kelowna, Vancouver, Victoria, Boston, Las Vegas, Summerland, Surrey - and the police have to halt traffic so the competitors can cross safely and I always smile and say thank you to the officers and gaze past them at the line of impatient drivers with surly looks on their faces as I listen to Little Fluffy Clouds and am thankful.


Don said...

Love your writing. Who's the woman in the picture in this post and two down? There's no identifying picture caption. It's got to be someone you know, 'cause there's no mention in the text . . .

judith said...

tee hee... btw, your hair looks great! It's so long! Is it naturally curly like that?

I agree with you, it's only one day out of the year, like the running of the bulls. Our town has now started putting in running and biking lanes because we get so many bikers in packs out here in the Burbs. They aren't a problem as long as they all stay in one lane when they can and allow the traffic to flow past. I admire them, you don't see me out there getting all nipply in the 30F weather, and I've never had a biker or runner come between me and my knitting, never. So why should I bother them during their obsession?

Duder said...

Hi Don. The chick in the pics would be yours truly.

Jomamma: yes, I've got my momma's curly hair. A lot of women don't like their hair; I am not one of them. ;)
And, as a runner and fledgling cyclist I am glad to hear the covenant between knitters and cyclists still stands. :)

Pseudonym said...

God you look awful, are you preggers?

judith said...

I think you look like one of the sisters on Brothers and Sisters, Rachel Griffiths.

Duder said...

LOL: that would be nice.
A coworker once said I looked like the lead singer of the Cowboy Junkies and I do kind of see the resemblance.
But mostly I just look like me. :)

judith said...

I was watching that last night and I thought "wow, she looks like Duder," not that you look like her, she looks like you.

Duder said...

And no, Pseudonym. I'm not "preggers", but thanks for the thought.