Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I was supposed to go home tomorrow, but my mom is staying at Lasqueti another day and so I shall too remain another day. She said it was fine: just heap the cat dish full of food and he'll manage but, as my coworkers pointed out today, I secretly like Felix.
See, I lasted until only 11.30am at work on Tuesday because I have this and I was feeling a lot like this and it rather sucks to be feeling unwell and alone. I mean, individually? Feeling unwell or alone can be daunting. But when you combine the two? It's worse than when you get (what you think is) a pretty nice hair cut and then someone says "did you get a haircut?" and you say yes and they smile and walk away.
So anyways, I went to bed feeling sorry for myself (and my uterus, the goddamn thing) and Felix, with whom I normally engage in no small amount of combative activity as he tries to trip me coming down the stairs to retaliate for when I try to fling him off the balcony by the tail, jumps on the bed and we do our little pet/wrestle/play fight thing, after which he normally hops off the bed or, to piss me off, sleeps between my feet so I feel bad about trying to change positions because it wakes him up (and oh: I know he's asleep because he snores). But this time he curled up against my stomach and slept with me all night.
Weird, right?
I think he could tell I was a sad panda.
But probably he was trying to give me fleas.
Okay, also? The movie "Paper Heart"? Oh god. So crap. Like, if you're write yourself into a movie like Charlyne Yi did? Try and make a flattering portrayal of yourself. And if this was supposed to be some kind of candid insight into Yi's "real" personality? No wonder she can't find love: she's a goddamned, immature and irritating individual with few redeeming qualities and a highly irritating laugh. This poorly thought out, badly spliced, self-serving pseudo-documentary has inflamed a rage I didn't know that I harboured against hoodies, and leaves me wondering what passes for "tomboy" as far as the mid-twenties set is concerned.

1 comment:

judith said...

I'm sorry you have the Endo crap. My cousin had that, really bad, had to have EVERY thing removed when she was 23. Now she's 57 and still has it now and then along with Ovarian cancer. Bad stuff.

Felix looks a lot like our old cat Ellie Mae. Same make and body style. Ellie Mae would try to get on the bed at night and I'd slip my feet under her and send her flying. She'd shake the whole bed when she'd start purring.