Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I've been having some issues with my washer/dryer combo (it's European!) of late. Of course I go to worst case scenarios and have already figured out that it will cost me $60 to get rid of it and also that most people don't deal with the Euro washer/dryer units because we like things big and inefficient over here in Canada.
Oh, quick note: you're an asshole if you drink bottled water (you're also an asshole if it's taken you to 2010 to figure this concept out. Oh, and you're an asshole if you're Jennifer Aniston, too). If I catch you? I'm gonna smack it right out of your goddamn hand.
Anyways, after I threw a temper tantrum and contemplated jumping off my balcony because it's all too much to bear, it appears that perhaps the unit isn't broken, but rather that I've been using the wrong detergent because I'm stupid. Why read how to take care of expensive machinery when you can just shove your clothes in it and scream "Get clean!".
The point being, a member of the IT department had her last day today. I didn't get to know her well, but I liked her a lot. You know how you meet people and you just have a good vibe about them? Well she drove a newer model Civic and had two Golden Retrievers and cool hair and dabbled in photography and I thought she was great.
I stopped by her desk today and asked her what her plans were. She said she and her husband were moving to Princeton. I asked her what was there for her and she said that's where her husband's family lived. I inquired as to job prospects and she said she might do some web design, but mostly she would take care of her husband.
I took this to mean that her husband was exceptionally busy and needed a lot of help and so I inquired what he did.
Six years ago he was in a snowboarding accident (at age 30) and now he's a quadriplegic. She has to help him out of bed in the morning and into bed at night and has to bathe him. I would guess she's my age or maybe a couple of years older.
I run marathons for fun.

1 comment:

judith said...

We sort of like the bottled water industry. Hubby was in water purification for years and his best clients were the water bottlers like Ozarka, Deja Blue and Desani. The more water they sold the more they needed his services. But now days, he's doing something else and we're still drinking the water straight from the tap, just like back in the day.

Do you remember when the first Evian bottles showed up on TV? Everyone wanted to be seen carrying one. People are just suckers aren't they? We could put dog crap on a stick and have Paris Hilton walk around with it and everyone would want one.