Monday, October 25, 2010


Timbuktu Shiraz Grenache is nice. Very nice.
Also, you know, I have to go to bed now and I don't want to.
Argued (debated?) with C about Critical Mass tonight.
My point: it's regardless why they fuck up traffic once a month. It's worth it for the sense of community and to exercise our ability to protest.
His point: what exactly is their point? And can they not minimize their impact? And what if he were to protest, en masse?
All valid. I don't spend time with people that don't have something interesting to say.
Additionally, it's official: I'm tired of being a bachelorette.
Sleeping alone sucks.


judith said...

Explain this photo please. Is this a normal work day and the amount of people who ride bikes or is it some kind of bike race or something?

Duder said...

That is Critical Mass.

Awesome, eh?