Thursday, June 17, 2010

Women are from Venus, men are emotionally stunted

So, during tonight's illuminating two hour discussion/argument with Michael I was thinking "we're not on the same page; hell, we're not even speaking the same language".
I really don't think men and women are supposed to be together. We don't communicate on the same wavelength. We don't understand what the other is saying. We can't fathom why one person is so hung up on "A" when "B" is so clearly the more relevant issue. Women want to have their feelings and emotions validated, where men simply want to advise you that your feelings are wrong.
What makes a relationship work? Currently a big plus is that we no longer live together so I can eat popcorn off the floor like I what I just did now.
Come to think of it: all our fights seem to stem from instances in which we are together. So if we could just limit our relationship to email, IMing, phone sex and the occasional postcard, we'd be golden.
Huh. I bet it's too late for phone sex.


OceanCruiserWannabe said...

"men are emotionally stunted"

Some men, maybe. But not all men.

Phone sex? Don't call me (and I won't call you either). Never quite understood the attraction. I mean, it's not the real thing is it. Unless you call your right hand the real thing.

judith said...

Women are from Venus and men are good for only one thing.... maybe two. There are some keepers out there but they are hard to find and most of them are gay. Don't forget to put a little butter on that popcorn.

Duder said...

OE: I love you, right hand. Shhh... just let me hold you for a while.

Jomamma: thanks! I put some butter on the floor, too!