Sunday, May 2, 2010


Was too late to the start line and couldn't get the pace I wanted for the first four kilometres.
By then I had too much time to make up, plus I had to run up Prospect Point.
My fault.
I always place myself too far back at the start lines and spend a ridiculous amount of time bobbing and weaving around hundreds and thousands of people.
My second best half marathon time.
I owe C $100.


judith said...

Why do you do that? Can you not push your way to the start line before the start? How do they decide where people start? Shouldn't all the laggers and power walkers be at the back anyway? I would not want to be up there with those serious people, I'd be afraid I'd get my butt run over. You still did better than I would... at least you started and finished.

Duder said...

I got to the start too late and everyone was packed in like sardines (there were over 14,000 people apparently) so I couldn't wiggle forward any further.
Next time. Next time...

Pseudonym said...

Next time take a knife.

Duder said...

That's not very sportsmanlike, Pseudonym.
But it would be hella funny.

Duder said...

Oh Jomamma,to correct my prior comment: there were 14,000 participants for all the events (marathon, half marathon, 8k). There were "only" about 6,500 half marathoners.
I was behind 3,250 of the bastards...