Thursday, April 8, 2010


This picture was taken two years and one day ago.
It's so easy to get wrapped up in things that don't matter.
The list of things that are of integral importance is a short one.


"Seattle" Heather said...

Just so you know...there was a bit of a discussion on you while I visited our dear friend Maria. Seems to be with our accents we pronounce your name differently...So here's how it went....Maria pronounces your name sounding like this "DOO-DER" and I pronounce it like this "DUH-der"

We got some giggles out of it. :) We're still not positive whose close to being right! But we both knew who we were talking about! :)

Duder said...

Duder. Like "dude" with and "er". From "The Big Lebowski" fame which is the best movie ever and is why my online MSN moniker is "El Duderino".
Glad to hear you guys had fun! It was kind of surreal to read each of your blogs about a shared experience!

Pseudonym said...

Yeah, I was in the "dude" camp, "dud" seemed a bit harsh..

Even if you do look like Sarah Palin in that pic..

Duder said...

No no no: I look like Tina Fey.

Pseudonym said...


Come on, she's a sex symbol! right wing psychopaths, yes, but you can't have everything.

Duder said...

To right wing psychopaths, yes. And yet she's still in the news and I bet dollars to donuts she makes a bid at being president and has a fairly successful go at it.

It was just a fluke of the hair and glasses. I look far more like some angry liberal anarchist commie in real life:

Pseudonym said...

Ooh you wild anarcho-hippy you.. ;)