Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Today I took three fledgling runners with me for a 28 minute walk/run fiasco after work. They were all three at different levels of fitness. I hope I didn't turn the least fit girl off because - though she put on her game face - she was having a hard time of it.
I give her mad props for coming out. It wasn't easy for her, but she wanted to push it and do better but she needs to give it more time. I hope she sticks with the clinic.
I've been at it a few years now and sometimes I can't figure out why I'm not faster or stronger than I am. I think "if I can just run a 7.15 minute mile thirteen times I can have a 1 hour and 35 minute half marathon". And then I remember how hard it was to run a 1:39 half and I think, really? Could I have just "shaved off" four minutes? Hell no.
It's a long and beautiful progression.
For example: my first 10k (with Big D, no less) took me about an hour and a half.
Now? In an extra nine minutes over my first 10k time? I can run an extra 11 kilometres.
And for the woman that came out with us tonight that fought hard and ran as best she could? It was 28 minutes of running and walking that she hadn't done before and I hope, when she wakes up tomorrow and feels sore and tired, that it motivates her to hit it again because it just gets better.
I was so happy after I led them through their drills after the run that I made them all give themselves a round of applause.
They likely think I'm mad and no one will show up next week.


Unknown said...

Well, maybe not. But your blog poked me to get out tomorrow and keep moving it. Does that help? Despite your best efforts you are inspiring you know. That was meant to be funny, but I'm too tired to tell. Because I went to the gym today and listened to the playlist YOU gave me while I worked out. So there.

Duder said...

Go for you! Keep at it. It's doubly hard on unmotivating days like today, so you get extra credit!

Duder said...

Of course by "go for you" I mean "good for you".
Or maybe "go for you!" can be a cool new saying.
I will get some shirts made up.

Pseudonym said...

"I've been at it a few years now and sometimes I can't figure out why I'm not faster or stronger than I am."

You're cruising?

Duder said...

Pseudonym: I've been mulling over your comment for a few days now (I need to get more and better hobbies),and I don't get it.
Cruising? Wot?
I think you think I'm lazy.
Which I am.