Wednesday, February 24, 2010

It's past my bedtime

I have to remember to bring my laptop with me in the morning tomorrow but I'm going to forget.
Today was interesting. Someone from HR walked into the office with a bottle of wine and informed me that I had "won the draw". I turned to her and said "what draw?". She said that there had been a draw for the leftover prizes from the Christmas party and I had won. I didn't attend the Christmas party.
So, essentially, I was given a bottle of wine today for a draw that I didn't know that I had been entered into for an event that I didn't attend. I mean, really. Life is beautific.
The sad bit that occurred to day relates to this thing called "prime time". Because it's unionized, vacation time during the primo spots (summer and Christmas) is allocated based on seniority so you have to put in for your vacation time and, as long as not a lot of people with more seniority than you also ask for it: you should get it.
I didn't know what to ask for. I asked for the week of August 6th for obvious reasons and then, because no one was asking for time in July, I asked for the week preceding it.
I have 16 days in a row in the summer and I haven't the first clue what to do with them.
I would like to go to Europe but Michael said he can't afford it this year.
I'll figure something out. I've always wanted to go to Montreal as well.
It's not like I am committed to this date range: I was just putting in for it to get something because I'm the lowest on the totem pole.
But if I do take that date range? And if I just sit around here? I'll never forgive myself.

1 comment:

judith said...

If you are ever in the mood for a Fall vacation, Savannah Georgia is BEAUTIFUL in the fall, it's still warm enough to go to the beach and actually swim and it's not too hot to walk through all the parks they have there. Savannah is awesome.