Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I lied.

I chased something that I shouldn't have.
I'm pretty sure I'm done now.

In other news:
  • Felix licked my foot while I was making dinner
  • I love my friends
  • Traffic has been suspiciously light
  • The fuckers at VANOC moved the fence closer to the flame and re-configged it to make it a little more photo-friendly
  • I would like to go out with my friends and imbibe more than my limit so that they feel obligated to walk me to my mom's door for fear that I'm incapable of doing it alone like that one time in Mazatlan when Christa had to prop me against the wall while she called the elevator (okay, I don't want to be that bad: I do seem to remember lying on the floor of the shower the next day praying for death and, when the photos were developed? I had very little recollection of them but I appeared to be having fun with those guys that we met from Burns Lake of all places though I didn't have too much fun because I was massively in love with my boyfriend at the time who had a $200 bouquet of flowers sent to my house pending my arrival home though I had scant time to enjoy them as I had picked up e. coli and flew through the front door screaming greetings at my mother while taking the stairs two at a time to the washroom upstairs)
  • Tiger is holding a press conference (he will not be taking questions) on Friday morning. If he quits golf I am going to smash in the windows at the Bay downtown. Oh wait. That's already been done.
  • I want to be a Fabian


Pseudonym said...

A dragon or a car?

Duder said...

Dragon, of course.

Pseudonym said...

Ah yeah, gotta watch that, can get smacked if you're not careful..

Duder said...

Wot? So you're not a fan of the Fabian society?

Pseudonym said...

Not really, I'm a free market capitalist libertine..

Born, eat, shag, die and pay the bill.

Sadly under represented in the world.

Duder said...

I used to be one of those. Now I'm an anti-corporatist hedonistic pinko.

Pseudonym said...

Yeah right, you're an accountant, you know you're paying the bill.

Duder said...

But I'm an accountant that works for a union and enjoys a four day work week.
No wonder I'm an insomniac and I bite my nails.