Thursday, February 18, 2010

Alrighty then.

I changed the desktop on my mom's computer. That's probably wrong, huh.
Doesn't look like I'll get to go out and party like it's 1999 tomorrow after all. You'd think we were all in our early thirties and dealing with our respective shit or something.
Ah well. I'm sure the mood will strike me again in another year and a half.
In other news: took a half day. When I arrived at work everyone said, "Why did you come in?" and the CFO said "Oh, I didn't even know you weren't here this morning". Yes. I need to start freshening up my coffee with brandy in the morning. They were nice though. One coworker said she was glad I had come in and another wanted to know if I had anyone to "look after" me. I was oddly touched.
Canada beat Switzerland in men's hockey in a shoot out tonight. It was some of the most exciting hockey I've ever seen in my life. I hate the Olympics, but I just love Olympic hockey: it's so clean and precise and fast paced and adept and violence-free. The Swiss were excellent. Oh - there goes the 10:45 fireworks downtown. Seriously. It's dark at 6pm. Why are we waiting so long?
I was so excited watching the game that I called Michael, knowing he was out running with the clinic to tell him how great the game was and that he was missing out and that I hoped he was enjoying his run. He called me back to say that he and a couple of other guys lingered in the store (they have a huge flat screen tv) to watch the last vestiges of the game while everyone else headed out for mile repeats. I was so happy! The Swiss goalie was on fire.
Speaking of athletic endeavors: I am going to be leading a Tuesday night running clinic after work to get people ready for the impending Sun Run. If you know me (and you don't) you know that I get so nervous speaking publicly that I have to hold my hands behind my back because they shake so much. I would normally laugh and flip the bird and say "uh, hell no", but people really encouraged me to step forward and I do love running and I do love seeing people hitting their goals which is why I was so happy to see A carry the torch and to be there for Skyhammer and Squishy's first 5k and my brother's super moto races and Ex-Work Husband's boxing matches and Po's reading at the children's festival.
I'm going to make them do lunges until they beg for mercy and I'm going to flog them when they start to shake after they hit the 90 second mark in plank pose. Suck it up, maggots!


judith said...

Go ahead a smack me in the back of the head now.... I hate plank pose. What has that got to do with running anyway?

Unknown said...

Okay, after that, feeling fine that you haven't offered to train me for the Sun Run. But please do help me buy shoes.

Duder said...

Plank pose works the core. You need a strong core for running. I suppose the core is pretty fundamental for just about everthing...

Duder said...

Hey Coco. I am just going to be using the online schedule for the Sun Run to get people ready: I can email you a copy if you want.
Unfortunately I can only lead the clinic once a week because I am training for my own race which is the week before or after.
I should probably figure the date out...
Next time I'm in Vancouver I'll let you know. Alternatively feel free to come out this way: there is a Running Room nearby that I can take you to. Also a good place on Marine (next to a huge wine store!!) that has been helpful to me in the past.