Thursday, January 14, 2010

I've had enough pork tenderloin

Don't know what to tell you.
I did stairs on Monday and my calves still hurt. Like, when I accidentally brush my lower leg against my knee when I cross my legs? I gasp a little. Three days later.
It's raining, which means people lose their ability to drive and this successfully negated most of the calm I was able to collect during yoga after work today.
On the topic of work: I had an odd experience today. People do lend themselves to gossip and are seemingly always eager to share negative experiences that they've had with others. I don't like that and it makes me uncomfortable. I make my decisions about people based on my interactions with them. Period.
To counter the above statement I will say that, about a month ago, someone in another department sent an email to me, my boss and my boss's boss about how I had pitched in during a frenetic time and how they appreciated my hard work and positive attitude. I was very appreciative that they would take the time to write something kind about me and to send it to the people to whom I directly report. Compliments and kindness go a long way and I need to remember to always be thankful and pay my respects when others lend a helping hand to me, be it at work or elsewhere.
So, before I start to compile a scathing diatribe on my alter-blog (on which some dingbat keeps posting ads for Cialis in Spanish), I will say that I am thankful that I was afforded the opportunity to do yoga with my coworkers for an hour after work today, and for the time and effort put in by members of the Wellness Committee (even though one girl sometimes looks over at me and mouths "jazz hands" when the instructor tells us to shake out our arms and wrists so I kind of do this muffled snort and then immediately attempt to get my zen back).


Godinla said...

I had BBQ tenderloin just yesterday. Go figure.

You're right about compliments and kindness going a long way. Remember that email when you feel shitty and need fuel to finish the day.

Also, can you hook me up with some Spanish Cialis?

judith said...

Is Spanish Cialis spicier than the regular Cialis?

I'm going to remember that 'jazz hands' thing and do it in my yoga class.

Duder said...

I think with Spanish Cialis you get an orgasm and then a glass of Tempranillo afterwards, so that's a nice touch.

judith said...

I'm sold, I like everything Spanish.