Saturday, January 23, 2010

I love Tiger Woods

He is on the cover of this month's Vanity Fair.
I love that they are now dubbing him a sex addict. So far the total tally is what, 14 women since he got married in 2004? Let's see... he's possibly the most talented athlete the world has ever seen, he has more money than he will ever be able to spend, he travels a lot and is ridiculously good looking. 14? I hope I would be hitting at least triple digits.
In other news I finally retired the Inspiron and it is now sitting, all lonely and dejected, on the box that is housing some old school speakers that I'm going to return to Michael.
The Studio reigns supreme on my desk.
My kitchen table can now go back to what I was using it for before: to adequately display my dust collection.


Godinla said...

Yeah, 14 is kinda weak. I think I can do a 14 and I'm not anywhere near Tigerland.

Duder said...

LOL. Maybe he's trying to keep the numbers low like his golf score. Hey: maybe that's why Wilt Chamberlain's numbers were so high!
It all makes sense now...