Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Yeah... I guess I'm still not quite done...

Additionally? When Tiger Woods gets chastised for his extra marital affairs and his sponsors spook and pull out and his reputation is tarnished? His foundation which helps kids will also take a hit.
We should definitely scrutinize what texts flurried back and forth between he and whomever instead of focusing on his charity work.
It's just like Eliot Spitzer. Remember him? Busted for sex with a call girl? It doesn't matter that he took down the Gambino family or that, as governor of New York, he would work to legalize gay marriage.
When you decide what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour for another individual, well then you're a bigger man than me.


Margarita Mirasol said...

Good news doesn't sell.
And we'll have to agree to disagree over the infidelity issue as I'm still a bit 19th century when it comes to affairs of the heart, and yet those a bit more advanced, like what you is, or a handful of my friends who also think that it's impossible for most to be monogacantspellitous, that it's not in human nature to be like a whale or an elephant.
I'm waffling because I just woke up at 3am but I'm sure you get my gist.
I should never have read Wuthering Heights.

Margarita Mirasol said...

Grammatically, that was all over the place. Argh.

judith said...

I agree with you Duder, his actions are going to hurt a lot of people, not just his wife and kids. My future sister-in-law has produced his last 6 or 7 commercials. Will this mean he drops out of the lime light and sponsors don't call him anymore? Probably so, Ouch, Tiger was helping pay for the wedding, so to speak.

But what was his wife doing that led him to stray? Was she there for him? Was she a doting wife? Or was she on his case, whining about the kids and the house keepers and not having this or that? And how available was she to him, you know what I mean. Did she hold out on him? And maybe she never talked to him, guys love to talk, if a woman will shutup and let them once in a while. We may never know... but I bet they know.

Yes some guys are jerks and just think with their dicks, but I think most guys who get married really do take the vows seriously. The ones who are life long bachelors are the ones who don't take is seriously and then why should they... they'll never marry. It's sometimes the wife that pushes them away and helps the whole process start. They are both responsible for this, as well as those skanky women who had the affairs with him. They could have said "No, you're married." What did they think they were going to get out of this?

Morals... priceless. Too bad we can't buy them by the 6 pack.

Margarita Mirasol said...

Great comment, Judith.