Monday, December 21, 2009

Working Mondays is for chumps

Today I worked really hard.
No, seriously: I did. I am really busy at work. I'd rather be a little too busy than push paper around on my desk. It occupies my time so I don't stare off into space and daydream about why Harper was such an embarrassment to our nation whilst in Copenhagen, and why Flaherty is treating us like a bunch of imbeciles in regards to our current real estate market. Don't look behind the curtain! Focus on Tiger Woods!
I was in line at Winners today (because: a) I love lines; b) I love Winners; and c) I am a winner) and this woman saw all I had was a gift card and she had a cart with some stuff and she let me go ahead of her. It was so nice and random.
I understand that not everyone struggles with Christmas like I do and so I would just like to espouse my appreciation for the following:
  • my coworkers who bring in all kinds of goodies to work, homemade and otherwise (I brought in organic grapes)
  • my dentist that sent me a Christmas card
  • the lady that let me go in front of her at Winners today
  • the people with the house on Lynn Valley that is decked to the max
  • people that put lights and wreaths on their vehicles
  • Salvation Army volunteers that tirelessly ring their bells in the hopes you'll put something in their kettle
  • alternative Christmas music on CBC
  • decreased traffic on the roads

But fundamentally I really can't stand my hair and I want to cut it all off because short hair is so much better and I don't care if it's unfeminine and if I get ogled more by women than men because it's easy.
I like things to be easy.


judith said...

I like it when people bring fruit, I like to bring "Cuties" to work for everyone. You know those little Mandarin oranges. They go faster than the spinach dip.

You look great in short hair.

Duder said...

Cuties are great: I brought some to our last wine club meeting!
I dig the short hair too. I would've shorn it but everything's so busy these days that it'll have to wait until the new year, and by then the crisis may have passed...