Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Reverse psychology

So Hal Higdon says let's take it down a notch - let's taper. And now I want to run for miles and miles.
I have two speeds: full tilt boogie and sleeping.
I can't sit still. I must get up from my desk dozens and dozens of times throughout the day to "grab a coffee" or "use the photocopier" when the reality is I just can't sit still for any great length of time. I hate/love the super long runs because they wipe me out entirely so that I am actually forced to rest on my couch for a couple of hours (though I have become more and more acclimatized to them, unfortunately).
On the flip side? I absolutely lost consciousness in Savasana at the end of yoga today. Dead to the world. Oddly, I was having the most vivid recollection of the way the biting wind of winter feels as it buffets your face, blowing snowflakes against your exposed skin so that they feel less like filigreed, naturous ornaments and more like sandpaper as they chafe and skitter across your cheeks and nose and stick to your eyelashes before melting.
My point being that it took me probably three minutes to fall into this state. Amazing. I hope I wasn't snoring.
But cranky. Goddamn. I couldn't figure out why I was so pissy and it's the taper. I caught it early this time so now that I'm cognisant of it I should be able to avoid alienating friends and family and taking a baseball bat to a Hummer like I was really, really wanting to do yesterday.
It'll all be over soon. Five more days.
I was happy to hear that another yoga session will be starting in January, so I will make that part of my "new" exercise regime. Yoga twice a week, weights twice a week and running on Saturday and Sunday. I think that will be a nice balance. I will sign up for the Vancouver Marathon clinic but I will not actually run Vancouver.
I will not run Vancouver.
I will not run Vancouver.
I am taking a break.
I will probably run the half.
I will not run the full.
There is a possibility that I might be cajoled into running the full (Christoph: do not egg me on).
I will not do it.
Just say no to running.
And to Hummers.


judith said...

I know exactly how you feel... I hate sitting still at work, love running up and down the halls in high heels. Then when I get home I crash, just like hitting the wall. Sometimes I don't even take the time to go pee at work. Love me some corpse pose....

Jolea said...

Just popping in to say hello and happy holidays!