Tuesday, December 15, 2009

It was so cold in Vegas that I had to buy that purple top

Today I had a mental meltdown. It was the traffic jam and the onslaught at work and the fact that Christmas is a stressful and depressing time and the materialism and the thought of going to the mall and I just lost it. I upset my mom and she asked me why I'm never happy. And why I don't bake pies. I said I would try and be a happier person. That I would make it a New Year's resolution and try and accomplish it by February 2010: just in time for the Olympics. Then I said, "That was a joke" but she didn't laugh.
Michael called and I said what a burden I must be. I thought that maybe I was bi-polar, but bi-polar people are supposed to have manic highs and he said I have them occasionally, but I guess it's the rock bottom lows that are more memorable.
I dunno. I've worked out once in nine days which is definitely a contributing factor. And I hate traffic jams and perpetual dark and shopping, so that probably made things a little worse.
Michael said that he often wonders, with all my mental retardation, why indeed he stays with me (bless his honesty) and he said it's because I'm not boring. That I have a lot of opinions. That he's never sure what I'm going to come up with next.
I agree.
This year? Date a mentally unstable person for the thrill of it.
I don't even really like pie.


Unknown said...

Well. I like pie. And I like you. And it is called Bipolar 2 disorder. Cause that is the kinda shit I know. Welcome to the club. And yes. I have scheduled 24-27 in the land of why-have-you-not-cured-cancer? why-have-you-thrown-away-your beauty? Other then that, I am available for dinner.

judith said...

I like pie too! Maybe you are happy, in your own way. Hubby is like this... he shows his happiness in other ways than I do. Someone I knew said he was melancholy. He disagreed. He just doesn't show his happiness outwardly, he sleeps better when he's happy. Less fitful.
He carries the weight of the world, where I tend to tell it to get the fack off.

Tell the people around you that THEY make you happy (Michael, and spending time with your mom.) Hubby once said that to me and when I replied "are you sure?" He said "can't you see I'm bubbling over with joy?" in his deep monotone voice.
I did like your response about the Olympics.... only happy people look forward to things.

Margarita Mirasol said...

He he he about the pies.
You're great.
I understand why Michael loves you.

Margarita Mirasol said...

p.s I'm not gay, I just think that you'd be great to date cos, like Micheal said, you have onions about everything.

Pseudonym said...

Good job you mentioned that you weren't gay because it's not like she gets loads of stick for having lesbo hair or anything. ;)

I reckon you'd make a great couple.

Duder said...

How did this post go from the Christmas blues to how much "stick" I get?
Let's go back to pies and how I don't bake them.

Pseudonym said...

Well, I think it was OB coming out that did it.

Is that as much jeans pic as we're gonna get.. ;)

BTW I'm in christmas hiding, my mum thinks I'm with the gif on c'eve and the gif is at her mums...

Duder said...

Ha! Pseudonym. That's bad.
Jeans pic? The world is not ready.
Pic with a puppy? Maybe...