Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I know that alienation. I know the train's long gone.

I worked today. Around 9am I had this existential shitfit as I tried to reconcile the past few days that I spent eating and drinking and carousing with my family (and trying to centre that facking Wii controller after too much Merlot) with the fact that I was sitting in a sterile work environment and I had 8 hours of mind-numbing nothingness to plow through.
I really want to go to Europe this year. This has got to be the year. I hope Michael will agree to go with me. Now is the winter of our discontent! Wait... that's probably the wrong catch phrase at this time.
You had me at hello?
Shake 'n bake!
Anyways. I met Coco for dinner at the Whip. It was awesome. We both sat separately waiting for each other for fifteen minutes. I wanted to look out the window but the guy sitting at the table in front of me started thinking I was making eyes at him and one can only read the menu so many times before one starts to look ridiculous. No less ridiculous than I felt when the waitress came to tell me my friend was sitting twenty feet away from me. I had to have walked right past her. Weird.
Friends are friendly.
Insert analogy about things being under your nose the entire time here.
It really brought the room together.
You talkin' to me?


desperado said...


Godinla said...

You have a mind numbing place to go to every day? At the end of numerous mind numbing days, they give you money? I wish I was you.

judith said...