Thursday, December 10, 2009

Birthday week

Should I do the reminiscing thing? Should I skim over the events of the last year? This is what I was doing a year ago. I think it's pretty safe to say that last December was the worst December of my entire life. From losing my job to not being able to make it to Jay's place for Christmas Eve because of all the snow and having to go through my first Christmas without my dad to winding up with tonsillitis in Penticton and being subsequently stranded as Air Canada fucked us over with much vigor and stamina.
I know that in the last year I have become much more withdrawn and I don't talk as freely and openly as I once did. Maybe that will reverse. Or it won't. I find I don't have much to say because I don't know anything. I used to think I did, but I don't. I'm content to watch and absorb but I have no idea about anything anymore. It's all random and we're all seeking happiness and acceptance and I suppose the best that we can do is to try and be good people to those that we love and I hope I've done that but I'm sure I could have done better.
I do appreciate that I am a very privileged and lucky person and that there are a lot of people that love me.
And I know that I have my dad's luck because only he could beach a barge on a reef and swim to a lighthouse for safety, and get stung by a scorpion, and drive erratically with a pie on the roof of his car and survive.
So. 33 (oh: I got ID'd in Vegas when ordering a glass of wine. It was awesome, but the waitress was probably just angling for a tip). I ran a lot. I got the job that Michael and I always joked about having. I plucked out grey hairs. I noticed the crinkles around my mouth and eyes. I read a lot and found some truly great music. I explored and pushed the boundaries and hoped for definitive answers on things and they never materialized.
I think I am not appreciative enough of the people around me that want to see me a little more often. That check into see if I'm doing alright. To wish me luck on whatever race or to say hi because they haven't heard from me for a while.
33. This year. This year let's aim for being comfortable in one's skin. Let's be more communicative. Not everyone is out to get me. People that purport to care aren't being insincere. Let's give back a little, grow a little, have a little fun.
It's theoretically possible that the people that have stuck with me for years and years have done so for a reason.


Godinla said...

33 can be a great year. Not everyone is out to get you but most of them are. Get them first. I know why I've stuck by you but I won't tell you. Hell, I may be out to get you and I don't want you having that information.

Happy happy, joy joy for the birthday Dude.

judith said...

Ohhhhh, you're a Sagittarius... that explains a lot. I remembered that you'd resoled your boots. Congratulations on being carded. Loved the pie toting ability of your dad, that's something to aspire to. The reason you have people who stick with you and still love you is because you are a Sagittarius. I live with 3 of them. Took me about 25 years to learn, don't try to argue, it's a waste of time.

judith said...

Brian! go to bed man!

Oh and happy B'day girl. Go get yourself carded again.

judith said...

Was this picture taken on the damn tour?

Duder said...

Thanks, guys.
Yep, the photo is at the dam. Such a nice day.

judith said...

We love saying were going on the Dam tour. We had a teacher once announce to a whole bus load of 5th graders "behave yourselves on the damn tour!"