Saturday, September 5, 2009

Gels are significantly cheaper at MEC

Here are some things that have happened in recent days: I chipped a tooth; I worked out rather late one night; my mother bought a 2003 Mazda; I read a Hemingway book that was awful; I thought my car was stolen when in fact it wasn't; I went to the same pub twice in three days; I conferred with a tourist as to whether a recent art installation downtown was a raindrop or a spermatozoa; I ate a lot of chocolate covered espresso beans; I ran a 6:50 minute mile; I got a get out of jail free card; I received a text message from Switzerland; and Michael would not stand up and hug me on the seabus.
Here are some things that will occur in upcoming days: I will run 21 miles; I will shave my legs; I will go to a pub; I will have a nap; I will be frustrated at work; I will make a ferry reservation (fuck: remind me to make a ferry reservation); I will dismayed at my recent credit card statement; I will continue to be irritated that my carpet needs cleaning and yet I will not clean it; I will get a quote on changing my timing belt; and I will weigh myself.
Here are some things that may occur in the immediate future, but I cannot be entirely sure: I will enjoy "The Black Swan"; someone other than me will see me naked; I will cook an edible meal; I will be pleased with what the scale tells me; I will get ahead at work; I will be unpleasantly surprised by the increase of traffic on the road after the Labour Day weekend; I will download many episodes of "30 Rock"; and I will get more sleep.


judith said...

I love 30 Rock, did you see the episode when Jack had sex with the Republican lady? I think that was the funniest one. "I'm sorry, I had no idea that ottoman had wheels"
I almost hurt myself laughing at that one.

Duder said...

30 Rock is one of the best shows to come along in a very long time. It's political and it's so excellently written and acted. I love it. I love it! I haven't seen that one yet, though (still working through season 1).
I like when Alec Baldwin buys a beeper from Lemon's boyfriend and she asks him to take it off and he says, "No: I'm expecting a call from 1983".

OceanCruiserWannabe said...

Michael wouldn't hug you? :-(

Don't forget to book your ferry ticket :-)

Duder said...

Yay. I just booked my ferry ticket.