Sunday, August 9, 2009

Time marches on

Spent time with the family on Thursday.
Ran. Went to Costco (and didn't lose it). Watched "Naked Lunch". Have you seen this movie? I mean... have you seen this movie?? Went to Thomas Haas for lunch and had the best sandwiches I've ever had in my life. Re-watched "Falling Down": it would have been a better movie if he hadn't been psychotic. I didn't recall him being such a nutter the first time I watched it. Lost at Rummy a lot. Saw Po. Cooked an edible dinner. Discovered interesting bruises on Michael's leg. Overdid it at the gym so badly I had trouble sleeping last night.
This morning I drove in to Kits for our 18 mile run. It was raining and all the runners were huddled under a tree until we were cajoled out from under it and we set off. Stupid day to wear my new shoes.
For the first time ever I seriously contemplated cutting a run short (I had the option to end with the halfs at 11 miles). I have never bailed on a long run and, before I could give it too much thought, the girl I was running with set off to complete the last 7 mile leg.
As I ran along Point Grey Road I thought ceaselessly about how I didn't want to continue. Not only did I not want to continue the run, but I decided I didn't want to run any more marathons. Period. I resolved to run the half in Victoria and then again in Vegas.
Finally I said, "I need to walk for five minutes: you can go ahead" and she said, "No that's okay: my knee is killing me". So we walked for five minutes. Her knee didn't get better. I never did become sufficiently motivated.
We finished 18 miles in about 2.5 hours.
I high fived my dad's bench when we came in.

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