Monday, July 13, 2009

I almost pulled an Icarus

I was flying a little too high for a bit. I didn't plunge to my death in the ocean though, and I'm thankful for that.
My credo that "you should do whatever makes you the happiest in life unless you are hurting yourself or others" is a sentence that is immediately at odds with itself. It was easy to soar ever higher and to consider the melting wax inconsequential.
As punishment for my gluttonous ways I have been relegated to the ground. No longer do I fly, rather I drive a Pontiac G5. Yes. I took the Civic in to get the brakes checked out today and they weren't able to get it back to me before closing and would that be a problem? Yes. Yes it is a problem. Seeing as my wings are badly singed and rather melted I need to be able to drive to work. They comped me a car. I was excited when I first heard this, thinking maybe I would get to drive a new Civic, or at the least a Fit, but no: they sent me to a car rental shop and I got the Pontiac G5.
I must admit I do enjoy driving "new to me" cars and so I whizzed about North Vancouver unnecessarily (sorry, environment) and I even took Michael for a spin. It has a spoiler. The Supra it is not. And I couldn't help but think (as I sped down Bewicke and fairly flew off a traffic calming bump): what would it be like to drive a nice car? My favourite car is the convertible Lexus SC 430.
But cars are things, and things are ultimately meaningless and lose their value both intrinsically and economically. I am an experience oriented person. Which sometimes leads me to trouble.
And as I am happy with my understated, reliable, efficient and utterly perfect for me 1999 Honda I need to understand that one-upping my experiences isn't always a good thing and that some experiences - like the Pontiac G5 - are just fleeting and cheap and others - like the Lexus 430 - are stunning at first, but depreciate and provide diminishing returns.

1 comment:

judith said...

Meet yourself halfway.... don't get a brand new one, buy used. Then do it again in 5-7 years. Or do like I do and buy used and drive like mad and suck the life out of them. Hubby admitted to someone the other night when they were admiring the 98 Miata "that's a sweet little car." He replied "it's a piece of shit!"

Evil Roar!!!! My work here is almost done.