Tuesday, July 28, 2009

And, in news that actually matters...

... my buzzer rings when I'm talking to my mom tonight (after calling Michael a couple of times to find he's still not home at 9:30pm) and this woman introduces herself (can't recall her name) and says that Michael is in the bed next to her husband at Lionsgate Hospital.
Five or seven stitches later, we're out of there. He fell on his bike (took a spill and couldn't unclip in time) and had to be driven to emergency.
He is fine but was still suffering from a bit of shock when I showed up (the reason this woman rung my buzzer was because Michael couldn't remember my phone number after eight years... not unlike him not being able to remember my name when he ended up in the medical tent after the Boston marathon) and he's going to be sore tomorrow. The stitches are in his knee, so his athletic career will be on hold for a little while.
Whatever. I am just so tremendously thankful that it was just a spill. Those random phone calls, man. I just want to bubble wrap everyone I love and put them in a room full of cotton balls.


judith said...

OMG! That's so scary, we jump every time the phone rings after 9pm around here.

Maybe he (and you) should have HOME and each others phone numbers programed to that listing in your phones. Jolea left her phone and purse in a cafe in Houston once, the waitress called me by pushing the MOM. Then I was able to tell her who to look up to reach my Sister who was with Jolea. Phone call or buzz, like hubby says, no good info comes in after 9PM.

Margarita Mirasol said...

Glad to hear he's okay.
Judith, Where hasn't that little Varnish Monkey not left her bag!

judith said...

Ain't that the truth.... she's like Gretel trying to leave a trail. But it's usually shoes/boots.