Sunday, June 7, 2009

My apologies for leaving puddles of sweat at Shoppers today

Fucked the dog today.
Then felt bad for fucking the dog. I mean, what did the dog do?
So I returned Scarface, picked up "The Turn of the Screw", as well as some extra strength Ibuprofen (I hate my period) and iron pills.
Then I ran 20k in the heat, listening to Ganga Giri and Rage Against the Machine. Had a good time and I think I'm ready for the Scotiabank Half Marathon at the end of the month.
Not sure that I recovered adequately though, cause I feel like puking still. I dunno. Must've been a mixture of the heat and the speed and maybe lack of sleep and the pub food after. Fck. Or more likely it's running that far on day one of my period. Have I mentioned I hate my period?
Um. I really don't have much for you today. Except an extraordinarily upset tummy.
I should go to bed.
Sorry for being so boring.
If I throw up I'll be sure to update you in intimate detail.


Margarita Mirasol said...

If you do the 'peace' sign 24 times, your tummy ache will go.

Duder said...

I totally just did the peace sign 24 times. He he.
You should check out Ganga Giri. I've never dropped acid or gone to a rave, but the music totally makes me want to do that.
It's never too late to develop more nefarious habits.

OceanCruiserWannabe said...

You did WHAT to the dog?

Duder said...

I think maybe "fucking the dog" is a North American thing. Means doing nothing and being lazy and sounds horrible all at once...