Friday, June 5, 2009

Iron defiencies are fun

Today. Today. Slept in. It fucking rocked. Except for that goddamn pigeon that was cooing incessantly at like 6am today. Chased it away and went back to sleep until 10am.
I love cat sitting for my mom. Except for the cat. Who is retarded. I hate Felix. He's 12 or 13 years old and I've known him for almost all his life and he still hisses at me.
I'm not a bad person. I love animals. I've had animals all my life. I volunteered at the SPCA. I think animals are preferable to humans. But this cat...
For the majority of the five days we ignored each other. But then sometimes he would get lonely and come and sit on the couch with me while I watched t.v. And when that happened? He would either lick or bite me each time I stopped petting him.
Spastic much?
Came home. Went to the gym. It was like a sauna. Gross.
Went for drinks with some friends.
I miss Michael.
I'm such a sap. If you tell anyone I will lick or bite your hand.
p.s. I just posted some pics on my blogs from earlier in the week when I was sans upload capabilities.
p.p.s. I'm a huge fucking dork.


judith said...

Aww that cat missed your mom and you were the consolation prize. But then again, did you feed it the whole time? Maybe it was just hungry. My In-Laws have two spastic cats. They are retarded pure-breeds. They won't even let you pet them.

OceanCruiserWannabe said...

I fucking hate pigeons. One seems to have taken up residence on my roof and it cooes all day fecking long.

Duder said...

Ha ha. I've never been called a consolation prize before, Jomamma. But if the shoe fits...

OE: for such small animals they are damn loud, no??