Monday, June 1, 2009

I can't plug it in

Today was a bit discombobulating. Woke up at Michael's. Went to my place to pack. Went to my mom's.
And then I went for a glorious run through Kits and along the waterfront, past Granville Island and out the Cambie bridge and back. Man. I do miss running in Vancouver: it's relatively flat and there's the seawall that goes for miles and miles and miles. I came to the Cambie bridge and briefly (so briefly) debated running over it and running along the seawall on the downtown side. Addicted much?
Then came back and dozed on my mom's rooftop deck for a bit. Came in. The fire alarm went off. Unshowered and sweaty I exited the building debating whether or not to take my mom's cat. I left him behind. Hey, I didn't smell smoke.
The firemen were pretty decent, but I've been attended to by better. Ahhhh... gad.
Then Po and Squishy and R came over and we had a nice time. Happy Birthday, Po! It was a pretty chill evening with some wine and sushi and some nice views and great conversation.
I like (love) that my friends have so many great insights and questions and theories. We don't always agree and we're not always on the same page and I'm glad. I mean, if you put a thought out there and everyone simply agreed with it, it would be pretty boring.
Anyways. I have some pics but I can't plug my camera in here so I'll have to do it when I go home on Friday.
Tonight's conversation entailed: communication between men and women (how different we are; how to pick our battles; miscommunications; expectations; and hanging up on one's significant other); relationships between parents and their children (how parents slowly and gently morph from pillars of authority to fallible humans; what an amazing responsibility it is to have a child; the distinction between being a parent and a person).
You know. The easy stuff.


Godinla said...

Tell Po I said happy birthday. My birthday is tomorrow (June 2nd). Po and I should work something out so that we can celebrate Geminism together.

judith said...

That's the kind of talks my walking buddy and I do every evening. We analyze the world around us.

I know what you mean about the role of parenting... Rosie and I were just discussing something like that the other night. A time comes when you have to cut that cord and it's amazing how easy going you become when you do.

Duder said...

Godinla - you really believe in that horoscope stuff? It's so random!
Jomamma - analyzing stuff is great, although I think I do it a little too often...

Godinla said...

Horoscopes? Nope. I do believe in randomness. I also believe in chaos. Random chaos.

judith said...

About the only thing I find interesting about horoscopes is how similar people of the same sign are. They end up having the same characteristics. Take my husband for instance, he's a Sagittarius... We all know that sign is represented by the man with a horse's ass. Do you see what I'm talking about?

But seriously, the hubby and both kids are Sags... they are all alike in the way they view things, discuss things, argue about things, etc. I'm only here because I'm really bull headed.