Sunday, May 31, 2009

I fell asleep on my couch today. Twice.

Up at 7:30 this morning to see Skyhammer and Squishy run their first 5k race. I was so glad I made it down before the "gun" (oxygen/acetylene balloon) went off. I almost had a heart attack it was so loud. It was a big event with hundreds of people, all wearing the blue technical shirt that was part of the race package so it was great the Skyhammer was standing on a hill so I could pick him out.
If they were nervous about their first race they didn't show it. I was bouncing up and down and grinning wildly. It was really sunny and hot, so I didn't envy them having to run in this heat.
As they took off, running along Vancouver's beautiful seawall the bagpipes struck up and all the spectators were cheering and I got a little misty (allow me to interject that I am quite sleep deprived this weekend). I felt so privileged to have such wonderful friends, to be able to watch them run their first race, to look out over the ocean, to see the Vancouver skyline, to feel the sun beating down and the smiles on everyone's faces. There was a mascot there as well, and how he didn't collapse from the heat I'll never know - do they have fans in those things?
After pulling myself together I walked out on the course and saw the leaders come in, which is always a cool sight. Skyhammer and I were wondering how fast they were racing the 5k. It's conceivable that the winner did it in 12 minutes if he was running a 4 minute mile; unfortunately the results aren't posted yet.
I went back to the finish to watch my friends come in and they looked good and they had smiles on their faces and they pushed it to the end. I think they had a good experience and I that they will continue on.
Then Coco, Po and her friend joined us all for brunch at the Whip and I bumped into my cousin whom I hadn't seen for months and months. She didn't recognize me at first. She's exceptionally good looking. We hugged and I recommended the breakfast wrap.


judith said...

That was a cool video!

Yes those mascot suits do have fans in them (2 fans sometimes)... I had to wear a McGruff the Crime Dog suit one time. It's fun to wear them, you can act like a fool and no one knows who you are. I was dancing in front of the whole school and the kids were cheering me on. Teacher were saying "who is that?" The cops who were doing the program for drug awareness asked me afterward if I'd like to go to 4 more schools to 'perform'. They said I was the best McGruff they ever had.

Big D said...

Congratulations to N&B. I would have loved to have gone and cheer them on as well.I was up at the Cabin for the weekend though.