Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Find a penny, pick it up...

... and your political nightmare won't materialize (and you get a nice hamstring stretch).
Got off early today so I could vote (which I already did on Saturday).
Came home and went for a run, during which I found the aforementioned penny. I saw it glinting, with all it's coppery goodness, and I turned around to grab it. Less because of the age old adage "find a penny, pick it up: for the rest of the day you'll have good luck" and more because I felt that by bypassing the penny I would be snubbing the idea of free good luck and was worried about the potential ramifications. Let's see, don't pick up the penny and get creamed by a car on my run. Don't pick up the penny and be mauled by a bear on the trails. Don't pick up the penny and be touched inappropriately by Karl Rove. These are some worst case scenarios I was concerned about.
Had a fast run. Felt good. Very pleased with my time and am happy to be recovered.
Chatted with Michael as the first election results started to come in which put the NDP in the lead. Upset? Um, pretty hugely. Putting the NDP at the helm of our province during a recession would be a catastrophe. These guys are totally fiscally irresponsible. In the past I have voted overwhelmingly Liberal, but Campbell's recent tenure has led me to believe that he is a Conservative in Liberal's clothing and so I "threw my vote away" and voted Green. I don't care. We need to ensure the Earth (you know, that quirky thing that allows us to, um, live?) is in good shape for ourselves and for future generations. And we need to make it a priority now, cause I'm pretty sure, ecologically, things aren't getting any better.
In between watching the polls like a hawk, I watched "Shattered Glass". I really recommend this movie. The acting was excellent and I was totally drawn into the story. It's based on the true story of a journalist that worked for "The New Republic" in the late '90s. If, like me, you haven't heard the story I would recommend not looking it up before watching the movie, cause it will wreck it for you.
Stayed at Michael's last night. He brought me back two award winning wines from the Okanagan. Allow me to scream with pleasure my new favourite: Road 13's 2007 Syrah. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. This was so good.
Oh, the other cool thing? I wanted to keep "Hannah and Her Sisters" and "Shattered Glass" so I can watch them with Michael during the long weekend, and so I totally went to the library's website and renewed them online. Suh-weet.
So yeah. Pick up those shiny pennies.


judith said...

I always pick up pennies, I never really think about it, I just pick them up. I also pick up 10s and 20s... so I think the pennies lead to them.

Who is in Shattered Glass? I love these kinds of movies.

Duder said...

Let's see... Chloe Sevigny, Hank Azaria, Peter Sarsgaard, some guy named Hayden Christensen. And I believe Tom Cruise is one of the producers!?