I have to mail my taxes. What is the route for the fulls on Sunday because I'm running with the
halfs but I want to cheer on the fulls as they complete 23 miles? How are we getting to the airport on the 18th? Should I leave my car at my mom's? That would make more sense: then we can cab from YVR to my mom's instead of all the way to North Vancouver. How can there be 19 grams of fat in an oat bar from Starbucks? Nothing that has the word "oat" in it should ever have more than 3 grams of fat and I really liked them and now I can't eat them anymore. I have to return "1408" to Dave. I really am not in the head space to go to work tomorrow. And what was with today's run? It was fucking slow. I realize is mostly uphill and we're tapering and probably still tired from last week's long run, but I don't think it should have taken as long as it took and I'm really hoping Gmaps Pedometer was out. By, cough, a mile (or that all those times I didn't stop my watch while waiting for traffic lights to change was worth ten minutes). Mmmm.... sex. I ate too much. I have to lose at least five pounds. What hill has a comparable elevation gain as Heartbreak hill for comparative purposes? I mean, are we looking at Keith Road here, or Tempe? Or 3rd Street? I need to know. I'm very surprised to find that I quite like dates. The kind you eat, like. My knees are sore and I need to do more of those exercises that Michael showed me. When will this iTunes update finish? I want to sleep with Paolo Nutini solely for his song "Rewind". I'm kinda glad that no MP3 players are allowed in Boston because I don't have to compile a facking 3 hour and forty minute playlist to try and take my mind off the fact that I'm running a marathon. I wonder if Michael will really kiss the girls along the way. I kinda hope he does. Makes for good story telling. I hope there's some firemen that I can fondle or something. There's a fire hall two blocks from here.

I really did like those oat bars.
Oats are what they feed horses and they aren't skinny unless they don't eat, I had so many comments and questions to ask as my ADD was in high gear reading that, but now all I can think about is firemen and no MP3's, that's just crazy, what will you think about? It's not like you have to listen for traffic.
i wish i could write like ewe.
Apparently the atmosphere in Boston is phenomenal and hordes of people come out to throw fruit at you. I mean cheer you on, cheer you on. So you don't need music. You get by on positive vibes and overall grooviness. And Ibuprofen. ;)
Hmm... that reminds me of a mug that a friend got my mom for driving her to school when we were teenagers. It said "Thank ewe" and "Ewe are so kind" and had pictures of (shit, sheep? lambs? wtf is a - wait, an?? - ewe?) uh, animals on it.
Bless ewe.
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