Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tapering is a lot like having a really bad case of PMS

I've been in a shitty mood for two days now and I've come to realize it's because I'm not running as much as I normally do. In fact, when I was out for lunch with Po the other day she mentioned how blissed out I seemed at wine club the other day after I had run 21 miles. Endorphins, kids. Endorphins.
This tapering is madness. I have a lot of pent of energy (anger) that needs to be burned... somehow. I've always maintained that if I were a dog (oh wait, hang on a sec...) I would be a border collie because I need constant stimulation and action. And moving around a lot is good, too. Sigh.
I apologize for being a cranky bitch. Or more so than usual, at any rate. It's just that I need to excersize more.
Anyways. I would tell you about how I was out by a penny at work today and the whole story behind that, but with my overall level of crankiness it would likely result in me tossing my laptop against the sliding glass door, so I shant.
Met up with Typewriter for dinner and he had a new camera and kept on taking pictures (he took tonight's pic) of me which was unnerving because I'm not good with cameras except for when I've had a few glasses of wine and have too much time on my hands and... what? Oh, yeah. My face isn't my best feature. Neither is my personality. Snort. I'm funny when I'm self-deprecating and cranky. It was good to see him, though. We had fun. We've come a long way, baby.
Book club. "Water for Elephants". Pass. Food. Damn it I wish I was running more so I could mow down the food like I normally do. I enjoyed everyone's company and the hospitality but I'm edgy and my lower back hurts and I don't think I'll be right in the head until I get that 26.2 over with.
I love everyone and I hope they forgive me for not being very good company as of late.
I'll be fine by about 2:30 eastern time on Monday.
Michael and I have been making Detective Sandy jokes. I hate it when I have sand in my vagina.


Anonymous said...

Showers and 7C forecast for Boston on Monday. But then you've run in Vancouver winter, right?

Duder said...

That I have, Anonymous. Last Sunday's run was a typical Vancouver send off: windy; cold and raining.
Thanks for the Boston forecast!

judith said...

When do ya'll leave for Boston?

Duder said...

We leave early Saturday. Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!
Run proud. Run strong.
Light and fluffy.